Call us now:
Consultation Lawyer, Litigation Lawyer & Training
Not Just Law Firm
Spirit, Integrity, Loyalty, Listen, Accountability & Respect
Legal solutions and other assistance
We will help each of your legal problems. We serve each client personally to provide the best legal services with the best solutions and results for their legal problems.
Law exists to create rights. Negligence of the law can cause problems. We provide consultations to anticipate various potential legal issues that may occur regarding Civil Law, Labour and Industrial Relations Disputes Settlement, Criminal, Corruption, State Administration, Religious Courts, Bankruptcy and The Postponement of Debt Payment Obligation, Taxes, Right to Judicial Review to the Constitutional Court & Supreme Court , and Election Disputes.
The law needs to be understood correctly and precisely. We provide Legal Training as a prevention against legal problems that will arise in the future.
If you have a problem that needs to be resolved through the courts, we are ready to help and accompany you in every process you have to go through.
Ferri Harno Dian Law Office
Legal Practice Areas
Based on experience and expertise in handling various cases, we provide better services. We are happy to assist you in:
Employment and Industrial Relations Dispute Settlement
Bipartite, Mediation/ Conciliation/Arbitration, Industrial Relations Court, Cassation at Supreme Court, Execution, Registration of Mutual Termination Agreement, etc.
Civil Law
Land Disputes, Tort, Defaults, Inheritance, Divorce and Equitable Distribution Law (Gono-Gini), Debts, etc.
Bankruptcy and The Postponement of Debt Payment Obligation
Handling bankruptcy and PKPU processes including making and/or assessing peace proposals/restructuring, and corporate reorganization proposals.
Special Criminal
Criminal Act of Corruption and Criminal Act of Money Laundering
General Criminal
Embezzlement, Defamation, Persecution, Forgery Document, etc
State Administration
Judicial Review, Work Employment, Licensing, Land, Regional Electoral, etc.
Constitutional Court
Judicial Review Acts, Election Result Dispute Settlement and the Dispute Settlement of the Authority of State Institutions, etc
Religious Court
Divorce and Equitable Distribution Law, Hadhanah, Marriage Isbat, Inheritance, Grants, Wills, Sharia Economics etc.
Tax Dispute
Meet to Our People
Suharno, S.H.,M.H.
Ferri Priyo Setiawan, S.H.,M.H.
Dian Dwi
Prasetyo, S.H.,M.H.
By focusing on your needs first, we are ready to simplify and streamline the legal process for you.
Our Clients

We have provided consultation for our company clients and represented them in litigation regarding employment, industrial relations dispute settlement, civil, and other cases.
We have also been involved in other individual clients’ cases, such as:
Representing our client in a corruption case against Corruption Eradication Commission at the Criminal Act of Corruption Court of Jakarta District Court;
Representing our client in a land case at the Tangerang District Court;
Representing our client in a divorce and equitable distribution case at the Bekasi Religious Court;
Representing our client in a document forgery case at The Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Region of the Indonesian National Police and Resort Police of Sukabumi; and